Introduces the student to the study of society and the impact of society upon the individual. Exemplifies social processes in cultural patterns and institutions. Examines group values at various levels of human relationship.
Offers the study of community problems and sociological processes involved in the analysis of universal and local sociological phenomena.
Explores criminal behavior and the methods of its study, causation, types of criminal acts and offenders, punishment, correction and incarceration and prevention of crime.
Presents a comparative analysis of family organization in different societies, with reference to the urban family of Western society. Explores basic causes of change and trends in family structure and function. Topics include mate selections, marriage vows, marital prediction and child-rearing practices.
Introduces the process of globalization and its consequences on the lives of people at the local, national, and international levels. Students will develop a critical sociological understanding of the economic, social, cultural, technological, and political aspects of globalization. This course explores how politics, power structures, cultural expectations, and agency influence the way we define and explain globalization.
Introduces sexuality as a political, cultural and social issue. Examines how societies influence the development of sexual scripts, what is considered 'normal' and 'abnormal', 'moral' and 'immoral, and explores how these beliefs influence social responses to current social problems related to sexuality.
A survey of the status and treatment of ethnic groups in the United States; patterns of dominant and subordinate relations, prejudice and discrimination; historical and current problems, demographic and social background, political and social policies.
Introduces the scientific study of women as a multicultural group. Reviews material from the fields of psychology, sociology, anthropology, and medicine as it related to women. Particular effort will be made to address the experiences of women of varied races, ethnic groups, classes, national origins, and sexual orientations so that the whole concept of gender may be broadened to take these different experiences and different concerns into account.