Center for Student Engagement

Mission Statement

The Center for Student Engagement at Frederick Community College provides an atmosphere on campus that invites and encourages all members of our campus community to celebrate the richness of the human experience. Through social programming, personal/professional leadership development, and the exploration of personal interests, the CSE promotes respect and appreciation among our students, faculty and staff for self and others and an understanding of our shared responsibility to create an environment that celebrates learning.

Department Overview

At FCC we know your time in the classroom is only one part of your “college experience.” The Center for Student Engagement offers you exciting opportunities to interact with other students, cultivate your leadership skills in a variety of ways, and strengthen your knowledge and understanding of academic disciplines through applied co-curricular activities.

Student life incorporates much more than classroom instruction. As a supplement to the academic experience, the Center for Student Engagement offers students the opportunity to acquire or further develop leadership skills through participation in a broad array of co-curricular programs. Clubs and organizations on campus are as diverse as the student population, offering students the opportunity to participate in program events, meet students with similar interests, or simply enjoy quality entertainment both on and off campus.

Participation in leadership conferences and service projects provides students with hands-on experience and is a dynamic and vital component of student engagement. Information about leadership development, campus clubs and organizations, how to start a new club or organization and a current calendar of special events can be obtained by visiting the Center for Student Engagement, Student Center, or by calling 301.846.2488.

Campus Clubs

Student clubs and organizations contribute to the development of the student and enrich campus life. FCC campus clubs and organizations are student generated and student run. While faculty advisors are on hand to assist with logistics, students program and direct all club activities and events. With over 30 student organizations currently recognized, there are social, recreational, and academic clubs that support almost any interest. If there is an interest in starting a new organization, students are welcome to stop by the Center for Student Engagement for information and support. A current list of all active clubs and organizations can be found in the Center for Student Engagement or on the FCC website under clubs and organizations.

Community Service

With community as our middle name, FCC values opportunities to engage all learners in valuable service to others. Not only does volunteer service benefit the community, it builds outstanding skills and strong resume interest for engaged students. To support this active student engagement, the Center for Student Engagement houses a service learning center that provides volunteer and community service placement opportunities for all members of our campus community. Whether you’ve been assigned a service learning project in a class or you simply want to give back to the community, placement opportunities are abundant. Students are welcome to utilize our free placement service to help match interest to need for a long-term community service commitment or simply stop by to participate in monthly service projects on campus. Regardless of the level of commitment to service, FCC’s Center for Student Engagement staff will work with you to find your perfect placement. Students who have received a Meritorious Service Certificate from a Frederick County Public School are invited to apply their meritorious service hours for recognition at FCC. The Center for Student Engagement acknowledges outstanding student service at the annual Recognition Awards Ceremony in May.

Co-curricular Programs

Because FCC values the profound learning opportunities that exist outside of the classroom, programs, events and activities are specifically designed by a diverse planning team to give students an opportunity to relate academic subject matter to real life situations. These co-curricular programs serve as a complement to in-class instruction, and engage students in exciting, thought provoking, and multi-discipline activities. Students play a critical role in shaping these offerings by recommending workshops, lectures, trips, and experiences that enhance classroom knowledge and most faculty recognize the value of these learning opportunities by offering extra credit for student participation. Co-curricular events and activities are posted in the student/faculty calendar, which can be found in the Center for Student Engagement, or can be found on the FCC website under Events.

Leadership Development

FCC values shared governance, meaning all members of the campus community have a voice in the decision-making process at FCC. The student voice is channeled through the Student Government Association, and every student on campus is considered a member by virtue of enrollment. While suggestions and opinions can be shared openly without organized involvement in SGA, opportunities exist for students who wish to take their leadership to the next level.

The SGA holds elections each year to solicit leadership on many levels. Officers are needed for service on all-college committees and task forces, leadership within campus clubs and organizations and within the SGA itself. No prior leadership experience is necessary, only the desire to make a difference, and the commitment to see the responsibility through.

Leadership is rewarded through nomination for national recognition, letters of recommendation, and resume interest. Students who are involved on campus are also highly sought after by four-year transfer institutions, local businesses, and community service providers.

To further support student leadership, FCC is a proud participant in the Maryland Community College Activities Directors Association and the Association of College Unions International. Through membership, student leaders participate in a series of high quality, state, regional and national leadership workshops, seminars, and retreats. These leadership experiences are underwritten by the Center for Student Engagement to further support and acknowledge volunteer service and leadership.

Recognition and Awards

Celebration of achievement is one of our core values. Each May, at our annual Spring Recognition and Awards Ceremony, students are publicly recognized and lauded for academic achievement, volunteer service, and campus leadership. Students may earn distinction for their contributions through faculty or staff nominations and may be eligible for nomination to several internationally recognized honors and awards programs such as Phi Theta Kappa International Honors Society; the USA Today Academic All Americans; and the United States Achievement Academy’s Academic All American Scholars and Leaders. Specific criteria for national honors can be found in the Center for Student Engagement, in the student handbook, or on the FCC website under Student Life.

Graduation Awards

During Commencement week, numerous awards are made by various organizations in recognition of outstanding achievement by the year’s graduates. Among those of recent years have been the following:

  • Dr. Patricia Stanley Exemplary Community Service and Leadership Award
  • Dr. Lee John Betts Student Leadership Award
  • Marjorie Betts Citizenship and Family Award
  • Dr. Henry P. and M. Page Laughlin Annual Distinguished Scholarship Award
  • Phyllis Hamilton Award for Academic Excellence in English Literature
  • Lindblad/Longman “We Are One” Award
  • Award for Academic Excellence in the Business Transfer Curriculum
  • Award for Academic Excellence in the Business Career Curriculum
  • Career & Technology Awards
  • Frederick Woman’s Civic Club Award for Academic Excellence in History
  • Martin Kalmar Award for Academic Excellence in Mathematics

Student Government Association

The student government association (SGA) is designed to represent student opinions and concerns on campus. SGA is the students’ voice on issues concerning campus life and a relay system of information between college committees and the general student body. Leadership opportunities exist for students interested in serving as officers to the student government association and/or students wishing to take part in campus-wide committees and task forces. The executive committee of the SGA consists of president, vice president for public relations, vice president for administration, vice president of communications, and vice president of finance. Students interested in leadership positions are invited to stop by the SGA office, H-106.

An essential component to the success of the SGA is active participation in the college governance process. The SGA appoints interested students to serve as representatives to the college senate and college-wide committees and task forces. While previous student government experience is helpful, all students with interest, commitment and enthusiasm are encouraged to participate. In addition to the leadership skills student representatives develop, indication of active participation is always an excellent highlight on résumés and applications for admission to four-year colleges.

Student Publications

Frederick Community College has two major student publications. The Commuter is the college’s student newspaper and the Tuscarora Review is the magazine of the creative arts.

The FCC Commuter is a student publication and is a designated forum for student voice and opinion on campus events and related issues. The FCC Commuter is also a co-curricular program working cooperatively with FCC journalism classes. However, all students are welcome to work on the paper regardless of previous experience. Working on the paper offers practical experience for writers, photographers, graphic designers, marketers and public relations students.

For more information, contact the advisor, Karen Gardner at

The Tuscarora Review consists of literary (poetry, fiction, essay, one-act plays) and fine arts (ceramics, mixed-media, 2D and 3D art, graphic design) contributions from students and staff. The Tuscarora Review has recently won several national awards. Student contributions are encouraged. For more information, contact Ramon Jones at

Voter Registration

Frederick Community College encourages all students, faculty, and staff to exercise their privilege and right to vote in national and local elections. Voter registration forms are available in the Center for Student Engagement (Student Center, H-101), or in Registration and Records (Jefferson Hall).


FCC promotes wellness in both its students and staff through on-going programming and access to healthy exercise programs. The weight room is open day and evening hours for all registered students, faculty and staff. Assistance in developing programs to help with cardiovascular and muscular functions is also available. FCC offers courses in yoga, aerobics, weight training, tennis, golf, volleyball, and fencing, along with fitness for living and health education theory courses.

For more information on any of the above student life programs, students should contact the Center for Student Engagement at 301.624.2793.