Introduces respiratory care as a profession, including the healthcare environment and the respiratory care practitioner's role on the healthcare team. Specific topics include the holistic concept of patient care, psychosocial issues with particular attention to death and dying, medicolegal and ethical considerations of respiratory care, and professional interpersonal relationships. Topics also include medical terminology, infection control techniques, and physical assessment methods.
Focuses on the structure and function of the lung as related to gas exchange, diffusion, perfusion and ventilation-perfusion relationships. Emphasizes oxygen and carbon dioxide transport abnormalities in the gas exchange mechanisms. This will lead to and be integrated with clinical applications and interpretations of arterial blood-gas analysis.
Introduces basic respiratory care modalities, including medical gas therapy, aerosol and humidity therapy, hyperinflation therapy, and bronchial hygiene therapy. Laboratory portion of the course provides practical experience performing procedures presented in the didactic portion of the course in a controlled laboratory setting.
Introduces the various classifications of drugs, including drug action and effects, site of activity, recommended dosages and toxicity. Emphasis on anesthetics, bronchodilators, mucokinetics, cardiovascular agents and drugs affecting the nervous system as they apply to respiratory therapy.
Emphasizes the structure and function of the pulmonary, cardiovascular and renal systems as they relate to respiratory care.
Explores general principles of gas physics, principles of airway management, intubation and the theory and operation of mechanical ventilators. Includes special problems associated with both short-term and long-term care of patients requiring artificial ventilation. Integrates arterial blood gas studies with course topics. The laboratory portion of the course takes the principles and procedures presented in lecture and applies them via procedure competency testing and simulated clinical situations.
Introduces the hospital environment and patient care, including patients charts and record-keeping. Includes practical experience in using basic respiratory therapy equipment and applying it to patient care. Students perform basic respiratory therapy modalities such as oxygen therapy, aerosol therapy, IPPB, incentive spirometry and chest physiotherapy and postural drainage.
Teaches proficiency in administering basic respiratory care procedures and handling every aspect of general care. Introduces the intensive care environment and the theory and practical use of mechanical ventilators. Includes practical experience in obtaining arterial blood gases.
Includes a detailed analysis of all major parameters of ventilatory measurement as well as diagnostic significance of deviations from predicted normal values.
Presents the theory, equipment, and techniques involved in cardiac monitoring. Recognition of normal values and normal waveforms will be emphasized as a reference for identifying abnormal and life threatening changes. Students must satisfactorily complete competency tests, including EKG monitoring and assembly of fluid filled monitoring systems.
Provides an in-depth perspective of pediatric and neonatal respiratory care. Includes high-risk deliveries, abnormalities and diseases, and the interventions used. Discusses mechanical ventilation for the neonatal and pediatric patient. Students must satisfactorily complete competency tests on the operation of neonatal and pediatric ventilators.
Develops advanced skills in the critical care environment regarding management of the patient dependent upon mechanical ventilation. Practical experiences gained in hemodynamic monitoring.
Reviews all of the assessment skills, equipment, and interventions presented throughout the program, and applies them to the care of patients in alternative settings. Focus is on teaching patients to live with their diseases. A capstone course for the respiratory care program.
Prepares students for entry into clinical practice. Emphasizes preparation for the entry level and registry examinations given by the National Board for Respiratory Care. Provides familiarization with the prospective test matrices and uses both text and computer review materials. Reviews and discusses assigned current readings from various journals related to respiratory therapy.
Examines the effects of various diseases upon the cardiopulmonary and renal systems. Discusses both acute and long-term aspects of ventilatory-circulatory impairment. Emphasis on diseases that cause insult to the respiratory system.
Provides clinical experience in the pediatric/neonatal environment as well as advanced adult critical care. Students rotate through neonatal and pediatric intensive care units and gain practical experience with mechanical ventilator management and various therapeutic techniques for this patient population. Students also rotate through various adult critical care areas.