Education Area of Concentration within Social Sciences A.A. (Transfer)

Program website

Program Contact: Julie Horton
Phone: 301.846.2461

Program Description

Designed for students who plan to transfer to a four-year institution outside of the state of Maryland to obtain a baccalaureate degree and earn state teacher certification, or for students whose desired teaching discipline is not reflected in existing A.A.T. programs.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Identify, apply and discuss major concepts, principles, and theories related to human development by completing one or more papers and projects based on observation of children and adolescents.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of curriculum approaches and effective methods of teaching and learning through creating and presenting lesson plans applicable to course topics.
  • Compose and collect artifacts (i.e. papers, projects) for current and future portfolios and participate in activities (i.e. case study experiences, interviews) to demonstrate how students differ in their development and approaches to learning.
  • Demonstrate characteristics of future teachers by behaving professionally at events and experiences both on and off campus, utilizing college-level skills in course assignments, etc.
  • Develop an initial knowledge base in future teaching content areas by successfully completing coursework in relevant areas.

Program Requirements

  • Students must complete their credit English and Mathematics within the first 24 credits.
  • One course must meet the cultural competence graduation requirement.
  • CORE: The General Education CORE is that foundation of the higher education curriculum providing a coherent intellectual experience for all students. Students should check with an advisor or the transfer institution (ARTSYS) before selecting General Education CORE requirements.
  • In some General Education categories (Mathematics, Biological & Physical Sciences), a 4-credit course selected from the GenEd course list will satisfy the requirement in place of a 3-credit course. Students should check with an advisor before selecting these courses.
  • For the Physical Education, Health, or Nutrition requirement, a 3-credit PHED, HLTH, or NUTR course may satisfy the requirement in place of a 1-credit course. Students should check with an advisor before selecting this course.
  • Students must earn a grade of "C" or better in ENGL 101 English Composition.
  • Students must complete a minimum of nine credits at the 200-level.

ENGL 101English Composition3
Mathematics Elective (Gen Ed course list)3
Social & Behavioral Sciences
Social & Behavioral Sciences Elective (Gen Ed course list) - select two courses from different disciplines6
Arts & Humanities
Select three courses, one from each area:9
Public Speaking
Biological & Physical Sciences
Biological & Physical Sciences Elective (Gen Ed course list)3
Biological & Physical Sciences Elective (Gen Ed course list) (Lab course)4
General Education Elective
General Education Elective (Gen Ed course list)3
Physical Education, Health, or Nutrition Requirement
Select one PHED, HLTH, or NUTR course1
Concentration Courses
EDUC 110Schools and Society3
PSYC 101General Psychology3
EDUC 220Educational Psychology3
EDUC 230Foundations of Special Education (satisfies cultural competence requirement)3
EDPS 210Human Growth and Development3
or PSYC 204 Psychology of Adolescence
Select 13 credit hours 113
Total Credits60

Please consult with a transfer advisor at your transfer institution of choice to select courses applicable to your planned area of teacher certification and any needed testing requirements for future teachers.

Transfer Note

For more information on careers and transfer, contact the Career and Academic Planning Services office at 301.846.2471 or visit Transfer Services.

Guided Pathway to Success (GPS)

Suggested schedules map your path to degree completion.

Students should meet with an advisor each semester to carefully select and sequence courses based on their specific academic goals and interests. Visit Jefferson Hall or call 301.846.2471 for advising.

Plan of Study Grid
Recommended First SemesterCredits
ENGL 101 English Composition 1 3
EDUC 110 Schools and Society (Milestone) 3
Mathematics Elective (Gen Ed course list) 1 3-4
PSYC 101 General Psychology 3
General Education Elective (Gen Ed course list) 3
Recommended Second Semester
Humanities Elective (Gen Ed course list) 3
COMM 103 Public Speaking 3
Select one of the following: 3
Human Growth and Development  
Psychology of Adolescence  
EDUC 230 Foundations of Special Education (Milestone) 3
Biological & Physical Sciences Elective (Gen Ed course list) (Lab course) 4
Recommended Third Semester
EDUC 220 Educational Psychology (Milestone) 3
Social & Behavioral Sciences Elective (Gen Ed course list) 3
Elective 2 3
Arts Elective (Gen Ed course list) 3
Elective 2 3
Recommended Fourth Semester
Physical Education, Health, or Nutrition Requirement 1,3
Elective 2 3
Social & Behavioral Sciences Elective (Gen Ed course list) (in a different discipline from the first) 3
Biological & Physical Sciences Elective (Gen Ed course list) 3-4
Elective (credits may vary to fulfill the 60 credits for degree) 2 4
 Total Credits60-64

Take this course within the first 24 credits.


Please consult with a transfer advisor at your transfer institution of choice to select courses applicable to your planned area of teacher certification and any needed testing requirements for future teachers.

Students wishing to pursue teaching education through the Education AOC should consult with their academic advisor and their intended transfer school as they are selecting electives.

Part-time Students

Part-time students should complete courses in the order listed on the pathway. Please contact program manager for questions about part-time status.

Students who take fewer than 15 credits each semester or who require developmental English or Math coursework will need additional semesters to complete their degrees. Summer term and January session classes may help students to make faster progress.

Pathway Legend

Milestone - courses with the Milestone notation should be taken within the recommend credit range to stay on track for program completion.

Fall, Spring, Summer - courses with a Fall, Spring, or Summer notation indicate the course is offered in the specified semester only.