Cell Therapy and Flow Cytometry Letter of Recognition (Career)

Program website

Program Contact: Dr. Savita Prabhakar
Email: sprabhakar@frederick.edu
Phone: 301.846.2564

Program Description

Provides an introductory level of training to prepare individuals to enter the cell and gene therapy industry. Students will learn aseptic cell culture techniques, prepare samples, run the Flow Cytometer, and analyze flow data. Basic analytical skills like ELISA, PCR, and western blot will also be introduced. This letter of recognition will be applicable to undergraduate juniors and seniors studying biology, job seekers, and workers who want to gain practical knowledge and skills in cell culture and flow cytometry.

Digital Badge

Students earning this letter of recognition will automatically receive a digital badge. For more information on digital badging, please visit our Digital Badges page.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Describe applications of cell therapy and principles of flow cytometry.
  • Maintain a flow cytometer.
  • Prepare and perform a basic analysis of samples in the flow cytometer.

Program Requirements

BIOT 220Cell Biology and Cell Culture Techniques (Spring)4
BIOT 222Cell Therapy and Flow Cytometry (Spring)4
Total Credits8

Guided Pathway to Success (GPS)

Suggested schedules map your path to degree completion.

Students should meet with an advisor each semester to carefully select and sequence courses based on their specific academic goals and interests. Visit Jefferson Hall or call 301.846.2471 for advising.

Plan of Study Grid
Recommended First SemesterCredits
BIOT 220 Cell Biology and Cell Culture Techniques (Spring) 4
BIOT 222 Cell Therapy and Flow Cytometry (Spring) 4
 Total Credits8

Part-time Students

Part-time students should complete courses in the order listed on the pathway. Please contact program manager for questions about part-time status.

Students who take fewer than 15 credits each semester or who require developmental English or Math coursework will need additional semesters to complete their degrees. Summer term and January session classes may help students to make faster progress.

Pathway Legend

Milestone - courses with the Milestone notation should be taken within the recommend credit range to stay on track for program completion.

Fall, Spring, Summer - courses with a Fall, Spring, or Summer notation indicate the course is offered in the specified semester only.